Are you a property owner? Hotel? Local DMC?

List your property for free and start to receive bookings. It takes maximum 8 minutes from registering your property, loading your images, rates and allocation to publish your property live. Just 8 minutes.

Trusted by the most innovative companies worldwide

Why list your property with us?

List your property at minimal fee: Eliminate upfront costs and maximize your profits. Get started at minimal budget.

Receive bookings quickly - publish live in 8 minutes: Our user-friendly platform allows you to list your property and go live in just 8 minutes, minimizing the time it takes to start receiving bookings.

Receive payments securely (mention VCC): Enjoy peace of mind knowing your payments are secure. We use a Virtual Credit Card (VCC) system to ensure you receive your booking amount safely and efficiently.

Control rates and availability through Extranet: Maintain complete control over your property. Our easy-to-use Extranet allows you to manage your rates and availability in real-time.